Monday Tavern Musings | Book Gems
I enjoy finding new books as a reader and love finding new places to do my one-stop shopping for books. As an author, it's a win-win when I can have another home to showcase all my books. I'm thrilled to have found a wonderful new book depository called Book Gems! Not only can you find my books (a definite win), you can find authors' blog links, and in the coming months, giveaways.
For authors, their rates are extremely reasonable.
Are you curious? Come check out my author page here: Mary Morgan
When you click on one of my books, it will take you to a Universal Buy Link where there are links (Amazon, BN, Kobo, etc.) to purchase from your favorite online retailer.
Another fabulous way to shop for my books and for you to find other great reads from wonderful authors!
Click the Book Gems link HERE or the picture above to enter this new world of books!