Medieval Monday | Word for February and Book Sale

Welcome to Medieval Monday and the month of February!
The medieval word for this month is: Boist. You will not find this in an ordinary dictionary. The definition below is from a Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases.
Boist (boiste): The bag used by kings and other messengers to carry the post entrusted to them.
The king had a body of messengers whose task was to carry writs, letters and any kind of document throughout the kingdom. (On one occasion a messenger was sent to deliver part of the quartered body of a man executed for treason.) They always traveled on horse. An attack on a messenger was deemed an attack on the king, which may have kept them safe to some extent.
Don't forget to check out these Ladies of Medieval Monday to see if they have something new to share:
Lady Anastasia:
Lady Barbara:
Sale and Book Event

Calling all romance readers! It’s more than candy hearts, chocolates and flowers at N. N. Light’s Book Heaven Love and Romance Book Festival. 42 romance books featured plus a chance to win a $75 Amazon gift card.
I’m thrilled to be a part of this event. My book, A Highland Moon Enchantment, will be featured today, February 6th. Wait until you read my romantic tip to enhance your love life. You won’t want to miss it.
Bookmark this bookish get-together and tell your friends:
In addition, A Highland Moon Enchantment is on sale for 99¢ this month. Grab your digital copy today from AMAZON!