Wow! When I opened my email over the weekend and discovered I had won the Raven Award from Uncaged Book Reviews for Magnar and was Runner-up for Destiny of a Warrior, you should have heard my shout of joy! In all honesty, I didn't expect to win. Yet this gem for stories I cherished writing is one I'll treasure for a verra long time.
"Ms. Morgan continues her exceptional writing with this brand new series." Cyrene for Uncaged Book Reviews (5 stars for Magnar).
"The author writes an intricate world, full of detail and you feel like you are standing in the Fae realm as she pulls you into this story along with her characters." Cyrene for Uncaged Book Reviews (5 stars for Destiny of a Warrior).
November Events

Gobble, gobble . . . Do you hear that? It’s the international calling for booklovers, courtesy of the persnickety turkey. It’s time to fill up your e-reader and/or device with spectacular books (e-copy and audiobooks) and this giveaway is a great place to start. N. N. Light’s Book Heaven has gathered new releases as well as wonderful backlist in one giveaway. There are also a few Amazon gift cards up for grabs. The list is long and personally, I’d love to win myself but alas, I can’t. So, I’ll just live vicariously through the lucky winners. If there’s a particular book or prize you’d like to win, be sure to say which prize you want when you enter via Rafflecopter. Enter below and good luck!
Enter HERE for the Gobble Up Books Giveaway
Enter HERE for the Literary Giveaway Portal