Long and Short Reviews Weekly Blog Challenge | 9/23/20

Happy Wednesday to all! This week's topic, hosted by the lovely people at Long and Short Reviews, is Favorite things to do in autumn.
Goodness! Where do I begin? Did I mention autumn is my favorite season? I practically become giddy on the first day of September. Since most of this year was absolutely horrific, I immediately went to work on decorating. Yes! I broke my own rule about waiting until the first day of autumn and pulled out all the decorations.

My wizard faery is the first to start the procession. You should have seen the looks my husband gave me as I continued to pull out decorations. While smiling, I declared, "It makes me happy, and I need happiness."
So I went on my merry way, even though the skies were smoky and ash covered everything (fires were raging all throughout the western coast of the U.S. and we live in California). I was determined to usher in autumn.

As you can tell, one of my favorite things to do in autumn is to transform my home into the brilliant colors of the season. Here are a few of the other favorite things I like to do...
1. Bake and cook! From pumpkin breads to hearty soups.
2. Visit Apple Hill in the mountains. It will be different this year, including wearing a mask, but oh the fun! Apple goodies everywhere.
Representing over 50 local, family farms, the Apple Hill℠ Growers are dedicated to supporting agriculture in our community. Founded in 1964 with just 16 apple ranches, we’ve now grown to include unique fruit & veggie farms, wineries, B&Bs, flower gardens, Christmas tree farms, and even a day spa. Our winding roads and scenic beauty have been a popular destination for over 50 years. Come enjoy the fruits of our Apple Hill℠ Growers any time of year!
Check it out here: http://applehill.com/
3. Visit the Northern California Renaissance Faire. Sadly, this year's events have been cancelled. Yet it's always so much fun, and I'm looking forward to going in 2021.
Check it out here: https://norcalrenfaire.com/
4. Of course there's Halloween and Samhain. Any excuse for a party and I'm there!
I've shared just a few of my favorite things to do in autumn. What's yours? Now hop on over here to see what the others are saying.
Be safe and well, my friends. Hopefully, I'll see you next week. :)