Friday Feast | My Meeting with a Celtic Chef
Welcome to a new year on Friday Feast! Whew! I can actually see the sun while I’m writing this post. We’ve had rain in my part of California since the day after Christmas. I’m sure you’ve all heard about the horrific storms here, too. Beginning on New Year’s Eve, power outages everywhere. We’re talking hours and days. There were no special meals, no recipes to try out. Each time I thought of a new recipe to share and photograph, the power would go out. An interesting time here on the west coast where I was imagining “end of the world” scenarios.
With all that being said, I came across some wonderful cookbooks while cleaning out my pantry. I first met this chef during a book signing at the Seaside Games in Southern California in October 2015. Not only did I sell a lot of my own books but this chef made sure I got to taste samples of what he was making.

Here’s a snippet and photo from what I shared on a facebook post:
“Chef Eric McBride, aka The Celtic Caterer, has been feeding me with all his fabulous dishes that he's preparing at the Seaside Games! And he has cookbooks filled with awesome recipes and historical Celtic stories.”
Not only did I sample great food but whisky as well. It will always be one of those memorable moments in time.

I’ve tried many of the recipes from his books—from Oat Scones, Irish Curd Cake, and Cornish Potato Pasty. Yet one of my favorite recipes is Scotch Eggs. They’re easy to make and delicious!
Take a journey through his website here:

Sláinte mhath!