Friday Feast | Irish Stout Dip with Blue Cheese and Shallots

Welcome to Friday Feast in the tavern!
We’re celebrating all things Irish this month! My Irish ancestry flows heavily within my veins, so the recipes reflected will lean toward the beautiful isle of Ireland.
To start the celebration, I’ve chosen a dip I love to make. You’ve heard my confession numerous times for my love affair with Guinness. Obviously, this is my chosen ingredient for the dip. However, feel free to swap out with one of your favorites.
“The light of illumination often is found in the remote darkness within a heart.”
~Chronicles of the Fae from Quest of a Warrior
Until next Friday, spread the love of the Irish.
Sláinte, mo chairde!
Irish Stout Dip with Blue Cheese and Shallots
¼ cup unsalted butter
1 ½ shallots, minced
7 tablespoons Irish stout
1 tablespoon lemon zest
8 oz. blue cheese, crumbled
½ cup soften cream cheese
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
¼ teaspoon dill (optional)
Salt and pepper
Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the shallots and cook for 5-7 minutes. Remove pan from heat and pour in your stout beer. Stir well.
Put the remaining ingredients in a food processor. Add the shallot mixture and process to a smooth paste. Put into a bowl and chill in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
Serve with crackers and apple slices.