Friday Feast | Cookbooks ~ The Quirky, Outlandish, and Unique

Welcome to Friday Feast and the month of August in the tavern!
I'm definitely feeling the pull of autumn and first harvest. By the time September arrives, you'll hear me sigh heavily. I'm entering into my favorite time of the year. For now, I'll enjoy today and this month.
It's been a busy week, especially with my knight's birthday (August 1st), along with lots of medical appointments. I had some ongoing issues that are being addressed and praying to have them resolved soon.
In looking over a few of my cookbooks, I started to notice the strange and quirky ones in my collection. If you recall, I did a post back in May 2020 about the joy of cookbooks. Click HERE to view the post. I'm definitely a collector. With the ones in the photo above, I found myself chuckling over the titles and stories that accompanied the recipe.
Now a name like Plum Pudding Sweet Sauce sounds enticing, aye? Let's take a peek at a few of the other interesting titles...
A Soup to Keep the Wolf Away (I believe the Wolves of Clan Sutherland might want to savor a bowl of this soup)
Blood Drunk Chicken Wings
William's Wormy Bed Dirt Cake
A Mousse for Dragons
But a few of these had me thinking of an idea. Why not create a cookbook for the Dragon Knights, Wolves, or the Fenian Warriors? This might be an outlandish idea, but I couldn't resist playing with some foodie titles.
Duncan's Sword of Fire Ale
Adam's Crusader Battle Bread
Conn's Magical Amber Delight
Magnar's Boar Head Soaked in Mead
Rorik's Silken Treasure Tart
Oh, the possibilities! What do you think? Do I possibly have a bestseller with a cookbook? For now, I'll stack the thought with all the others and concentrate on my current work-in-progress.
Until next Friday, dream big, my friends!