Friday Feast | A Cheer for MAGNAR

The Tavern is definitely celebrating! I'm delighted to announce that MAGNAR has made it to the finals for the prestigious RONE Award from InD'tale Magazine! I'm blowing kisses to each and every one of you who voted for my story. Honestly, I didn't think I'd make it. There were so many amazing authors in my category. Now it's up to the judges. The winners will be announced at a banquet on board a cruise this October. I had planned on attending, but sadly, my knight will still be recovering from major surgery.
Thank you all! I'm beyond thrilled that this first book in a brand new series is doing phenomenal! And don't forget, the second book, RORIK, is out in less than three weeks. The Dark Seducer was a complex and tortured hero to write. I hope you've preordered your copy. It's available in print and digital here.
In keeping with my theme of Vikings and Highlanders, I was drawn to one of my favorite summertime meals for breakfast: Faerie Porridge. Did you hear Magnar and Rorik groan? I'm sure they have their own thoughts about porridge--from adding meat, crushed barley, and/or nuts. Yet I'm thinking Midsummer, and the recipe below is one with strawberries.
If you're curious about a true Viking Age porridge, check out this book called, An Early Meal: A Viking Age Cookbook & Culinary Odyssey here. The history is fabulous along with the recipes!
Skål (Cheers)

4 cups of heavy cream
1 cup flour
¾ cup of whole milk
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon of sugar
Pinch of salt (to taste)
Sliced Almonds (optional)
Bring cream to a full boil, stirring continuously, until foam is gone.
Gradually add flour to make a thick mush. Stir until butter appears. Remove butter and set aside.
In a separate pot, bring milk to a boil. Gradually add milk to the mush. Simmer 10-20 minutes, stirring frequently, until mixture thickens.
Add sugar, cinnamon, and salt.
Serve with sliced strawberries, almonds, and melted butter.