Medieval Monday | THE HIGHLANDER'S WELSH BRIDE by Cathy and DD MacRae
Welcome to Medieval Monday and week two of our new theme of Bad Guys and Villains. My guests today are the lovely and talented Cathy and DD MacRae. They're sharing a snippet from their medieval romance, The Highlander's Welsh Bride.
And if you're following along with my snippets, hop on over to Cathy's blog here:

A Welsh princess on the run from King Edward’s army, she finds herself embroiled with pirates pillaging the western coastline of Scotland. She has escaped their clutches twice before. Has her luck at last run out?
Carys and Hanna glanced up sharply as Iain strode purposefully toward them. He stopped close with a glance over his shoulder at the children.
“Ye are to gather the bairns and secure yerselves in the cabin. Now.”
Carys hesitated, scanning the horizon. The Isle of Scarba loomed just off the port bow, a largely uninhabited stretch of land to starboard. A gust of wind poured into the sail, shoving the ship down into an unexpected trough as the seas roughened, pushing them deeper into the narrow strait. Carys grasped Iain’s arm for balance. Clouds thickened, darkening the sun. She regained her stance, bending her knees slightly to absorb the increased roll of the deck.
“I do not . . ..”
The entire ship shuddered and groaned.
Follow the excerpt next week to Bambi Lynn’s blog: Don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win an ebook (kindle) of The Highlander’s Welsh Bride!
It was over. Prince Llywelyn was dead, his soldiers fleeing before King Edward’s army. Carys, a distant cousin to the prince, herself a princess of Wales, had picked up arms alongside her husband more than a year ago. Now homeless, her husband buried beneath the good Welsh soil, she seeks shelter in the north, far from the reach of Longshanks’s men. Carys and Wales would never be the same again.
Birk MacLean has been ordered to take a bride and produce an heir. He grows weary of the lasses paraded before him, women of delicate nature and selfish motives. He desires a wife strong enough to help lead one of the most powerful clans in Western Scotland.
One like the Welsh woman sitting in his dungeon, arrested for poaching MacLean deer.
Can Birk convince Carys marriage to him is preferable to a hangman’s noose? And will the heard-headed Scot be worthy of a Princess of Wales?
From the towering Welsh mountains to the storm-swept Scottish coast comes a tale of betrayal and loss, deceit and passion. An epic tale of honor and the redeeming power of love.
Buy link: Amazon: