8 Reasons Why You Should Read DESTINY OF A WARRIOR
I shared this post on my dear Rose sister's (Peggy Jaeger) blog last week and thought it would be great to include my reasons here on why you should read this beautiful fantasy romance! So here goes...
1. Fenian Warrior, Aidan Kerrigan is the perfect hero. He’s ancient and powerful—honorable and loyal to his people. At seven foot tall with eyes the color of lavender and silver, he conveys a charismatic charm that oozes with raw sexiness. Need I say more?
2. You get to explore ancient standing stones (think Stonehenge) and find out what some of the graffiti on the stones mean.
3. Not only are you able to wander inside a thirteenth century Scottish castle, but an even older one in Ireland.
4. I’m taking you inside the Pleasure Gardens within the Fae realm. Be forewarned and prepared. It’s sensual.
5. You get to witness a favorite hobby of the Queen of the Fae.
6. As a member of the Society of the Thistle, Rose MacLaren will show you her secret agenda regarding the standing stones, and it doesn’t pertain to botanical study.
7. Discover what a Fenian Warrior likes to cook.
8. Celtic Mythology comes alive within the pages of this story, and when you’re done, you’ll feel transported into another world.
Do you have your copy?