#Quotes from Erina MacIntyre ~ OATH OF A WARRIOR
I adored the heroine, Erina MacIntyre from Oath of a Warrior. She had endured many trials during her short life, including her birth into the world. Let's take a peek into some of my favorite quotes from this Scottish lass. Perhaps you'll find a favorite from the ones I've posted, or feel free to share one of your own in the comments.

“Ye are pitiful, Erina,” she whispered. “Gawking at the man like a forlorn sheep.”
“Before the Goddess, I recite my solemn pledge— this day, this hour. Ye will never get under my skin or thoughts again, Rory MacGregor. I am finished with folly and nonsense. If I have to harden my heart, so be it. No man shall claim me. No man shall I love.”
“Is that what ye call it? Adventures?” Stabbing a piece of the boar’s heart, she added, “Do ye leave their hearts broken after ye are finished?”
“Love can be as fleeting as the flower I hold. One moment it enters your life with its beauty, and the next, it withers and dies.”
“Ye are a man on a journey, aye? Love will find ye one day, Rory MacGregor.”
“I believe we both made vows to not let our blood rule us. Ye are a much wiser, kinder, and generous laird, Graham. Ye will never be like him.”
“From the moment ye stepped through those trees that first day, I realized ye were not like any man I had encountered. It was as if the trees parted and ye came forth from inside them.” She brushed her fingers along his brow. “For one, ye have the most mesmerizing eyes and they shift colors.”
Her face turned a rosy glow, yet, she held his gaze. “I thought your body chiseled from the old Gods, especially with all the markings on your back and arms.”
“Ye are the light that banished the fire and darkness. A ripple across the wave of time, ye sought me out and took me as your own.”
“Love cannot be found in a simple charm, nor in a casual glance. It requires nurturing like a tiny seedling. Ye have shown me how sacrifices in the name of love are powerful. But I can tell ye this, Rory, the stars shattered the day ye stepped forth—be it on the shore by a river, or between ancient trees. My heart opened to love the day we met."