Long and Short Reviews Weekly Blog Challenge | 03.18.20

Happy day after St. Patrick's Day! I hope everyone is doing well and being safe.
I must admit this week's topic was a challenge for me: The weirdest thing I learned from reading fiction. As I've stated previously on my blogs, I'm a voracious reader, spanning a variety of genres. Therefore my brain is filled with the strange, bizarre and weird bits of information from reading so many books. Trust me, I pondered for days on this topic. In the end, I can only recall one (and not very detailed) from the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I don't know for sure which book it's in (I believe it might be from Written in My Own Heart's Blood) , but Claire had to perform eye surgery on Lord John Grey. The author goes into massive detail on correcting his dislocated eye which had suffered damage from a beating. And if anyone has read the series, you might agree with me (or not) that Diana has a way of going into great detail whenever her character, Claire has to perform any type of surgery. After I read the chapters, I felt like I could actually do the surgery.
Sorry, my friends that I can't give you more details. Please do share any weird thing you've learned from reading fiction. I'm sure you can do better than me. ;) Then hop on over here to see what the other authors are saying.
See you next week! xo