
Mary Morgan
Nov 9, 2020
Medieval Monday | Muddy Circumstances in MAGNAR
Welcome back to Medieval Monday! We're on week eight of our theme of nature. Have you found any new authors on the Medieval Romance...

Mary Morgan
Nov 2, 2020
Medieval Monday | Elspeth's Observations in MAGNAR
Welcome to the first week of November on Medieval Monday! We're on week seven of our ongoing theme of nature. Are you ready for more...

Mary Morgan
Oct 26, 2020
Medieval Monday | Confessions Revealed in MAGNAR
Welcome to week six of Medieval Monday and our ongoing theme of nature. Can you believe it's the last week of October? Whew! I hope...

Mary Morgan
Oct 19, 2020
Medieval Monday | A Storm Brews in MAGNAR
Welcome to week five of Medieval Monday and our ongoing theme of nature. I hope you've been enjoying these snippets from Magnar. Don't...

Mary Morgan
Oct 5, 2020
Medieval Monday | Confusion Battles like a Summer Storm in MAGNAR
Welcome to Medieval Monday and our ongoing theme of nature. We're into week three of sharing our excerpts. I encourage you to follow...

Mary Morgan
Feb 20, 2019
Spotlight New Release | A HUNDRED BREATHS by Jean M. Grant
Please make welcome a sister Rose (The Wild Rose Press, Inc.), Jean M. Grant! This talented author and friend is talking about her new...