
Mary Morgan
Oct 27, 2022
Spotlight #NewRelease and #Giveaway "Saddled Hearts" by Jan Sikes
Please make welcome to the Tavern my dear friend and sister rose from The Wild Rose Press, Jan Sikes! We're celebrating her new book...

Mary Morgan
Sep 2, 2022
Friday Feast Celebration | "Jazz House" by D.V. Stone
Welcome to a special Friday Feast in the Tavern! I'm thrilled to have a sister rose (from The Wild Rose Press) here with me today! We're...

Mary Morgan
Feb 17, 2022
Jagged Feathers - @jansikes3 #NewRelease #RomanticSuspense #WhiteRuneSeries
Please make welcome to the Tavern a dear friend and talented author, Jan Sikes! We're celebrating her new book release Jagged Feathers....

Mary Morgan
Jun 1, 2021
Spotlight Cover Reveal "A Pride of Brothers: Aiden" by Peggy Jaeger
I'm delighted to have my dear friend and sister rose (The Wild Rose Press, Inc.) Peggy Jaeger in the Tavern today! We're celebrating her...

Mary Morgan
Dec 18, 2020
Friday Feast | Escape to Ireland in "The Accidental Heiress" by Cj Fosdick
Welcome to another special Friday Feast in Mary's Tavern! My guest today is the lovely and talented author Cj Fosdick! Not only is Cj...