
Medieval Monday | Confusion Battles like a Summer Storm in MAGNAR
Welcome to Medieval Monday and our ongoing theme of nature. We're into week three of sharing our excerpts. I encourage you to follow...
Mary Morgan
Oct 5, 2020

Friday Feast | Entering October with Mushroom Soup
It has been a verra long week, and I'm craving comfort food on a Friday. Do not tell me what the temps are outside. I refuse to...
Mary Morgan
Oct 2, 2020

A Visit to Salem in "Hidden Gypsy Magic" by Tena Stetler
Please make welcome my good friend and sister Rose (from the Wild Rose Press), Tena Stetler! We're celebrating her brand new book...
Mary Morgan
Oct 1, 2020

Medieval Monday | The Truth Battles with the Heart in MAGNAR
Welcome to the second week of Medieval Monday. We're continuing with our theme of nature in our medieval stories. As I mentioned last...
Mary Morgan
Sep 28, 2020

Friday Feast | Hot Apple Cider
When I think of autumn, the first thought is my Hot Apple Cider on a lazy Sunday. The heady scents of cinnamon, cloves, oranges, and...
Mary Morgan
Sep 25, 2020

The Tavern is Closed
Just a short announcement to let you know that Friday Feast on Mary's Tavern is closed through the weekend in celebration of Easter....
Mary Morgan
Apr 10, 2020